.. Reminder for header structure: Parts (H1) : #################### with overline Chapters (H2) : ******************** with overline Sections (H3) : ==================== Subsections (H4) : -------------------- Subsubsections (H5) : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Paragraphs (H6) : """"""""""""""""""""" .. |enterprise_feature| image:: wapt-resources/icon_wapt_enterprise.png :scale: 3% :alt: WAPT Enterprise feature only .. |date| date:: .. meta:: :description: Installing and configuring TFTP and DHCP for WADS :keywords: WADS, TFTP, DHCP, WAPT, documentation ################################################# Installing and configuring TFTP and DHCP for WADS ################################################# .. _tftp_server: **************************************** Installing and configuring a TFTP server **************************************** .. warning:: If you have installed another tftp server on the WAPT Server, please uninstall it first. This documentation is for WAPT 2.2.1 and higher Choose your distribution .. tabs:: .. tab:: Linux Debian / Ubuntu / Redhat * Enable and start tftp serverInstall the TFTP server. .. code-block:: bash systemctl enable wapttftpserver systemctl start wapttftpserver * You may test that the tftp server works properly using a tftp client and test download the ipxe.efi file. If you are testing the following command on a Redhat based machine other than the waptserver, beware of the local outbound firewall that blocks outgoing tftp client requests. .. code-block:: bash cd ~ tftp srvwapt.mydomain.lan binary get ipxe.efi quit ls -l ipxe.efi .. tab:: Windows * When installing the server, tick the WADS tftp check mark. You can re-run the installer if it was not done at that time. You can check that the service is configured and running with the command .. code-block:: bash sc query wapttftpserver * If the server is installed but not started, you can start it with: .. code-block:: bash net start wapttftpserver .. _dhcp_server: **************************************** Installing and configuring a DHCP server **************************************** The PXE booting is a two step process. First the UEFI/BIOS bootloader will download iPXE binary from the tftp server, then iPXE binary will download the iPXE script and boot binaries from http. This is why we need to have a two step PXE DCHP configuration. .. tabs:: .. tab:: DHCP server For example: .. code-block:: xml next-server; option ipxe-url code 175 = text; option client-architecture code 93 = unsigned integer 16; if option client-architecture = 00:00 { if exists user-class and option user-class = "iPXE" { filename "http://srvwapt.mydomain.lan/api/v3/baseipxe?uefi=false&keymap=fr"; } else{ filename "undionly.kpxe"; } } else { if exists user-class and option user-class = "iPXE" { option ipxe-url "http://srvwapt.mydomain.lan:80/"; filename "http://srvwapt.mydomain.lan/api/v3/baseipxe?keymap=fr"; } else{ filename "ipxe.efi"; } } For more information you can refer to https://ipxe.org/howto/dhcpd .. tab:: DNSMASQ server For example: .. code-block:: xml dhcp-match=set:ipxe,175 # iPXE sends a 175 option. dhcp-boot=tag:!ipxe,undionly.kpxe,IP_WAPTSERVER dhcp-boot=tag:ipxe,http://srvwapt.mydomain.lan/api/v3/baseipxe?uefi=false For example for one machine: .. code-block:: xml dhcp-match=set:ipxe,175 # iPXE sends a 175 option. dhcp-mac=set:waptserver,MAC_ADDRESS_TARGET_COMPUTER dhcp-boot=tag:!ipxe,undionly.kpxe,waptserver,IP_WAPTSERVER dhcp-boot=tag:ipxe,http://srvwapt.mydomain.lan/api/v3/baseipxe?uefi=false,waptserver .. tab:: Windows You can use the following PowerShell command line to configure iPXE booting on your network. Please adapt the `$url_waptserver` and `$waptserver_ipaddress_tftp` depending on your current installation. `keymap` is the keyboard language .. code-block:: powershell $waptserver_ipaddress_tftp = "" $url_waptserver = "http://srvwapt.mydomain.lan" $keymap = "fr" Add-DhcpServerv4Class -Name "legacy_bios" -Type Vendor -Data "PXEClient:Arch:00000" Add-DhcpServerv4Class -Name "iPXE" -Type User -Data "iPXE" Set-DhcpServerv4OptionValue -OptionId 66 -Value "$waptserver_ipaddress_tftp" Add-DhcpServerv4Policy -Name "wapt-ipxe-url-legacy" -Condition AND -UserClass EQ,iPXE -VendorClass EQ,legacy_bios* Set-DhcpServerv4OptionValue -PolicyName "wapt-ipxe-url-legacy" -OptionID 67 -Value "$url_waptserver/api/v3/baseipxe?uefi=false&keymap=$keymap" Add-DhcpServerv4Policy -Name "wapt-ipxe-url-uefi" -Condition AND -UserClass EQ,iPXE -VendorClass NE,legacy_bios* Set-DhcpServerv4OptionValue -PolicyName "wapt-ipxe-url-uefi" -OptionID 67 -Value "$url_waptserver/api/v3/baseipxe?keymap=$keymap" Add-DhcpServerv4Policy -Name "ipxe.efi" -Condition AND -UserClass NE,iPXE -VendorClass NE,legacy_bios* Set-DhcpServerv4OptionValue -PolicyName "ipxe.efi" -OptionID 67 -Value "ipxe.efi" Add-DhcpServerv4Policy -Name "undionly.kpxe" -Condition AND -UserClass NE,iPXE -VendorClass EQ,legacy_bios* Set-DhcpServerv4OptionValue -PolicyName "undionly.kpxe" -OptionID 67 -Value "undionly.kpxe" For more information, you can refer to https://ipxe.org/howto/msdhcp