.. Reminder for header structure: Parts (H1) : #################### with overline Chapters (H2) : ******************** with overline Sections (H3) : ==================== Subsections (H4) : -------------------- Subsubsections (H5) : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Paragraphs (H6) : """"""""""""""""""""" .. meta:: :description: Installing WAPT Server on Ubuntu :keywords: WAPT, installing, Ubuntu .. |date| date:: ################################ Installing WAPT Server on Ubuntu ################################ .. _base_ubuntu_server_install: ************************************** Setting up the GNU/Linux Ubuntu server ************************************** In order to install a fresh :raw-html:`Ubuntu Linux server 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa` (physical or virtual) please refer to the `Ubuntu GNU/Linux Installation Guide `_. .. warning:: * Install **64bit** version. * Install the server without the graphical user interface. * Only LTS version are supported by WAPT. .. danger:: :program:`Nginx` is the **ONLY** supported web server for WAPT. **Apache on Linux is no longer supported in WAPT**. Configuring network parameters ============================== .. include:: wapt-resources/linux-server-naming.txt .. _fqdn_ubuntu: Configuring the name of the WAPT Server ======================================= .. hint:: The short name of the WAPT Server must not be longer than **15 characters** (the limit is due to *sAMAccountName* restriction in Active Directory). The name of the WAPT Server must be a :abbr:`FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)`, that is to say it has both the server name and the DNS suffix. * Modify the :file:`/etc/hostname` file and write the :term:`FQDN` of the server. .. code-block:: bash # /etc/hostname of the WAPT server srvwapt.mydomain.lan * Configure the :file:`/etc/hosts` file, be sure to put both the :term:`FQDN` and the short name of the server. .. code-block:: bash # /etc/hosts of the WAPT server localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 srvwapt.mydomain.lan srvwapt .. hint:: * On the line defining the DNS server IP address, be sure to have the IP of the server (not, then the :term:`FQDN`, then the short name. * Do not change the line with *localhost*. Configuring the IP address of the WAPT server ============================================= * Configure the IP address of the WAPT Server in :file:`/etc/network/interfaces`. .. code-block:: bash # /etc/network/interfaces of the WAPT server auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway * Apply the network configuration by rebooting the machine with a :code:`reboot`. .. code-block:: bash reboot * If it has not already been done, create the :ref:`DNS entry ` for the WAPT Server in the :term:`Organization`'s Active Directory. * After reboot, configure the system language in English in order to have non-localized logs for easier searching of common errors. .. code-block:: bash apt install locales-all -y localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 localectl status * Check whether the NTP service is installed, started and whether the time is correct. .. code-block:: bash dpkg -l | grep ntp service ntp status date .. hint:: If the NTP package is not installed. .. code-block:: bash apt install ntp -y systemctl enable ntp systemctl start ntp * Update your Ubuntu. .. code-block:: bash apt update && apt upgrade * Install `systemd `_. .. code-block:: bash apt install systemd -y * Install certificate authorities shipped with Mozilla's browser. .. code-block:: bash apt install ca-certificates -y * Reboot the server. .. code-block:: bash reboot The Ubuntu server is now ready. You may now go on to the next step and :ref:`install WAPT on your Ubuntu `. .. attention:: The upgrade procedure is different from installation. For upgrade, please refer to :ref:`the documentation on upgrading the WAPT Server `. .. _install_wapt_ubuntu: Installing the WAPT Server requires a few steps: * Configuring the repositories. * Installing additional Linux packages. * Installing and provisioning the PostgreSQL database. * Post-configuring the WAPT Server. .. note:: The WAPT Server packages and repository are signed by Tranquil IT and it is necessary to get the gpg public key below in order to avoid warning messages during installation. ************************** Configuring DEB repository ************************** The configuration of repositories for **WAPT Enterprise** and **WAPT Discovery** Edition differs. **Make sure to choose the right one!** Discovery ========= .. important:: Follow this procedure for getting the right packages for the WAPT **Discovery** Edition. For WAPT **Enterprise** Edition please refer to the next block. .. note:: Not Available as of |date|. WAPT Discovery will be release later. For the free version, refer to wapt-1.8 documentation https://www.wapt.fr/en/doc-1.8/ Enterprise ========== .. important:: **Follow this procedure for getting the right packages for the WAPT Enterprise** Edition. For WAPT **Discovery** Edition please refer to the previous block. * Install ``apt-transport-https`` for the use of https. .. code-block:: bash apt install apt-transport-https lsb-release gnupg -y * Retrieve the :mimetype:`.gpg` key and add Tranquil IT's repository. .. code-block:: bash wget -O - https://wapt.tranquil.it/debian/tiswapt-pub.gpg | apt-key add - echo "deb https://srvwapt-pro.tranquil.it/entreprise/ubuntu/wapt-2.1/ $(lsb_release -c -s) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wapt.list * Create :file:`wapt.conf` in :file:`/etc/apt/auth.conf.d` to store your login information. .. hint:: Replace **user** and **password** to access WAPT Enterprise repository, with those provided by our sales department. .. code-block:: bash cat > /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/wapt.conf <`.