.. Reminder for header structure: Niveau 1: ==================== Niveau 2: -------------------- Niveau 3: ++++++++++++++++++++ Niveau 4: """""""""""""""""""" Niveau 5: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. meta:: :description: Advanced settings for WAPTserver :keywords: waptserver.ini, Nginx, sections, Configuring the WAPT Server =========================== The WAPT Server configuration file on GNU/ Linux systems is found in :file:`/opt/wapt/conf/waptserver.ini`. The WAPT Server configuration file on Windows systems is found in :file:`C:\\wapt\\conf\\waptserver.ini`. .. attention:: **Modification of these files is reserved for advanced users!!** .. _waptserver_configuration: Section [option] ---------------- Several options can be defined in the section: .. code-block:: ini [options] .. list-table:: Available parameters for the [option] section of waptserver.ini :header-rows: 1 :widths: 50 50 * - Options - Description * - ``allow_unauthenticated_connect`` = False - Defines whether websocket connections should be authenticated * - ``allow_unauthenticated_registration`` = True - Allows the initial registration of the WAPT agent using a login and password * - ``allow_unsigned_status_data`` = False - Debug only - Allows unsigned status data from agent * - ``application_root`` = '' - Set custom WAPT server application root path (ex: wapt) * - ``auto_create_ldap_users`` = True - Related to user ACLs * - ``client_certificate_lifetime`` = 3650 - Host certificate lifetime * - ``clients_read_timeout`` = 5 - Websocket client timeout * - ``clients_signing_certificate`` = - Host certificates signing cert * - ``clients_signing_crl_days`` = - Host certificates signing CRL day * - ``clients_signing_crl`` = - Host certificates signing CRL * - ``clients_signing_crl_url`` = - Host certificates signing CRL URL * - ``clients_signing_key`` = - Host certificates signing key * - ``client_tasks_timeout`` = 1 - Maximum allowed delay before WAPT agent requests timeout * - ``db_connect_timeout`` = 10 - Maximum allowed delay before PostgreSQL queries timeout * - ``db_host`` = - Address of the PostgreSQL server (empty by default, it will use a local Unix Socket). * - ``db_max_connections`` = 100 - Maximum simultaneous connections to the PostgreSQL database * - ``db_name`` = wapt - Name of the PostgreSQL database that the WAPT Server will connect to. * - ``db_password`` = - Password for authenticating the user on the PostgreSQL database (default: empty, it will use a local UNIX socket) * - ``db_port`` = 5432 - Port of the PostgreSQL server * - ``db_stale_timeout`` = 300 - Database stale timeout, default to 300 seconds * - ``db_user`` = - Name of the PostgreSQL user connecting to the database (default: empty, it will use a local UNIX socket). * - ``enable_store`` = False - Enables WAPT Store Webui (WAPT Enterprise only) * - ``encrypt_host_packages`` = False - Encrypt host package with client certificate * - ``htpasswd_path`` = None - Adds basic authentication to WAPT Server * - ``http_proxy`` = http://srvproxy.mydomain.lan:3128 - Defines the proxy server to allow the WAPT server to recover its :abbr:`CRL (Certificate Revocation List)` * - ``known_certificates_folder`` = /opt/wapt/ssl/ - Adds additional knowed CA for certificate validation * - ``ldap_auth_base_dn`` = None - Defines LDAP authentication base DN * - ``ldap_auth_server`` = None - Defines LDAP authentication server * - ``ldap_auth_ssl_enabled`` = True - Sets SSL auth on LDAP connections * - ``loglevel`` = debug - Debug level. default level is warning * - ``max_clients`` = 4096 - Sets maximum simultaneous WAPT clients connection * - ``min_password_length`` = 10 - Sets minimum admin password length * - ``nginx_http`` = 80 - Defines Nginx http port (Windows only) * - ``nginx_https`` = 443 - Defines Nginx https port (Windows only) * - ``remote_repo_diff`` = False - Enable remote repositories diff * - ``remote_repo_support`` = True - Enables remote repositories functionnality on WAPT Server * - ``remote_repo_websockets`` = True - Enables websocket communication with remote repositories agents * - ``secret_key`` = FKjfzjfkF687fjrkeznfkj7678jknk78687 - Random string for initializing the Python Flask application server. It is generated when first installing the WAPT Server and is unique for every WAPT Server. * - ``server_uuid`` = 76efezfa6-b309-1fez5-92cd-8ea48fc122dc - WAPT Server :term:`UUID` (this anonymous id is used for WAPT statistics). * - ``signature_clockskew`` = 72000 - Maximum allowed time difference for the websockets * - ``token_lifetime`` = 43200 - Authentication token lifetime * - ``trusted_signers_certificates_folder`` = None - Path to trusted signers certificate directory * - ``trusted_users_certificates_folder`` = None - Path to trusted users CA certificate directory * - ``use_kerberos`` = True - Requires a Kerberos authentication when first registering the WAPT agent. * - ``use_ssl_client_auth`` = False - Enables client certification authentication * - ``wapt_admin_group_dn`` = CN=waptadmins,OU=groups,DC=ad,DC=mydomain,DC=lan - LDAP DN of Active Directory User Group allowed to connect to WAPT console * - ``wapt_admin_group`` = None - CN of Active Directory User Group allowed to connect to WAPT console * - ``wapt_folder`` = /var/www/wapt - Directory of the WAPT repository. * - ``wapt_huey_db`` = :file:`C:\\Program Files(x86)\\wapt\\db\\waptservertasks.sqlite` - Path to database that handles tasks * - ``wapt_password`` = 46642dd2b1dfezfezgfezgadf0ezgeezgezf53d - :term:`SuperAdmin` password for connecting to the WAPT console. * - ``waptserver_port`` = 8080 - Specify WAPT Server python service port, default to ``8080`` * - ``wapt_user`` = admin - Defines the :term:`SuperAdmin` username in the WAPT console. * - ``waptwua_folder`` = /var/www/waptwua - Location of WAPT WUA folder * - ``wol_port`` = 9,123,4000 - List of WakeOnLAN UDP ports to send magic packets to * - ``wapt_bind_interface`` = - Define how to listen to the waptserver service .. _config_nginx: Configuring Nginx ----------------- The default Nginx configuration is as follows: .. code-block:: nginx server { listen 80; listen 443 ssl; server_name _; ssl_certificate "/opt/wapt/waptserver/ssl/cert.pem"; ssl_certificate_key "/opt/wapt/waptserver/ssl/key.pem"; ssl_protocols TLSv1.2; ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; ssl_ciphers 'EECDH+AESGCM:EDH+AESGCM:AES256+EECDH:AES256+EDH'; ssl_stapling on; ssl_stapling_verify on; ssl_session_cache none; ssl_session_tickets off; index index.html; location ~ ^/wapt.* { proxy_set_header Cache-Control "store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"; proxy_set_header Pragma "no-cache"; proxy_set_header Expires "Sun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT"; root "/var/www"; } location / { proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; location ~ ^/(api/v3/upload_packages|api/v3/upload_hosts/|upload_waptsetup) { proxy_pass; client_max_body_size 4096m; client_body_timeout 1800; } location /wapt-host/Packages { return 403; } location /wapt-host/add_host_kerberos { return 403; } location / { proxy_pass; } location /socket.io { proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_buffering off; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; proxy_pass; } } }