.. Reminder for header structure: Niveau 1: ==================== Niveau 2: -------------------- Niveau 3: ++++++++++++++++++++ Niveau 4: """""""""""""""""""" Niveau 5: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. meta:: :description: Configuring the WAPT console :keywords: wapt-get.ini, configuration, WAPT, documentation .. _waptconsole_ini_file: Configuring the WAPT console ============================ .. hint:: The configuration file for the WAPT console is stored in :file:`C:\\Users\\%username%\\AppData\\Local\\waptconsole\\waptconsole.ini`. This file is automatically generated when the :program:`waptconsole` is first launched and it is generated from the :file:`wapt-get.ini` file configured on the :term:`Administrator`'s workstation. Several options are available in the ``[global]`` section of the :file:`waptconsole.ini` file: .. list-table:: Description of available options for the WAPT console :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 60 * - Options - Description * - ``wapt_server`` = https://srvwapt.mydomain.lan - Address of the WAPT Server. * - ``repo_url`` = https://srvwapt.mydomain.lan/wapt - Address of the main WAPT repository. * - ``last_usage_report`` = 03/01/2017 18:45:51 - Date when the WAPT console was last used. * - ``http_proxy`` = - Address of the proxy server in the console. * - ``use_http_proxy_for_server`` = 0 - Use a proxy to connect to the WAPT Server from the console. * - ``use_http_proxy_for_repo`` = 0 - Use a proxy to connect to the main WAPT repository from the console. * - ``default_package_prefix`` = tis - Prefix used for naming WAPT packages. * - ``default_sources_root`` = C:\\waptdev - WAPT base package development folder. * - ``personal_certificate_path`` = C:\\private\\mykey.crt - Path to the certificate associated with the :term:`Administrator`'s private key. * - ``send_usage_report`` = 1 - Allows the WAPT console to send anonymous statistics to Tranquil IT. * - ``language`` = en - Language of the WAPT console. * - ``advanced_mode`` = 0 - Launches the console in debug mode. * - ``verify_cert`` = C:\\Program Files (x86)\\wapt\\ssl\\server\\srvwapt.mydomain.lan.crt - For :ref:`verifying HTTPS certificates `. * - ``waptservice_timeout`` = 2 - Timeout for actions applied to WAPT agents (ex: :command:`update`). * - ``enable_external_tools`` = 0 - Displays the actions that call external applications (RDP, VNC, etc...). * - ``enable_management_features`` = 0 - Displays the button to create self-signed certificates or to create the WAPT agent's installer. * - ``hide_unavailable`` = 0 - Hides actions that are not available for the WAPT agent. * - ``check_certificates_validity`` = 1 - Forces the package certificate's date and CRL to be verified. * - ``sign_digests`` = ``sha256,sha1`` - List of allowed signature algorithms for the WAPT packages. Configuring external repositories --------------------------------- You may add several external repositories by adding ``[sections]`` in :file:`C:\\Users\\%username%\\AppData\\Local\\waptconsole\\waptconsole.ini`. Example: .. code-block:: ini [store.wapt.fr] repo_url=https://store.wapt.fr/waptdev verify_cert=1 http_proxy=http://proxy.mydomain.lan:8080 public_certs_dir= timeout=2 [otherwapt.tranquil.it] repo_url=https://otherwapt.tranquil.it/waptdev verify_cert=0 http_proxy= public_certs_dir=c:\Users\admin\Documents\ssl\otherwapt\ timeout=2 .. list-table:: Description of available options for external repositories :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 60 * - Options - Description * - ``repo_url`` = http://srvwapt.mydomain.lan/wapt - Address of the external WAPT repository. * - ``http_proxy`` = http://proxy.mydomain.lan:8080 - Address of the proxy to use to access the external repository referenced in the ``[section]``. * - ``verify_cert`` = 1 - For :ref:`verifying HTTPS certificates `. * - ``public_certs_dir`` = - Folder that contains the certificates used to authenticate downloaded external packages. * - ``timeout`` = 2 - Timeout for the external repository referenced in the ``[section]``. If left empty, no verification is performed. Settings for creating WAPT packages ----------------------------------- .. list-table:: Description of available options for creating WAPT packages :header-rows: 1 :widths: 40 60 * - Options - Description * - ``personal_certificate_path`` = C:\\private\\coder.crt - Path to the private key to be used to sign packages. * - ``default_sources_root`` = C:\\waptdev - WAPT base package development folder. * - ``default_sources_root_host`` = C:\\waptdev\\hosts - WAPT host package development folder. * - ``default_package_prefix`` = tis - Default prefix for new WAPT packages. * - ``default_sources_suffix`` = wapt - Default suffix for new WAPT packages.