.. Reminder for header structure: Niveau 1: ==================== Niveau 2: -------------------- Niveau 3: ++++++++++++++++++++ Niveau 4: """""""""""""""""""" Niveau 5: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. meta:: :description: Installing WAPT Server with Ansible :keywords: Ansible, WAPT, install, server, documentation .. |clap| image:: ../../icons/emoji/clapping-hands-microsoft.png :scale: 50% :alt: Clapping hands .. |linux_debian| image:: ../../icons/debian.png :scale: 20% :alt: Debian logo .. |linux_ubuntu| image:: ../../icons/ubuntu.png :scale: 20% :alt: Ubuntu logo .. |linux_redhat| image:: ../../icons/redhat.png :scale: 20% :alt: Red Hat / CentOS logo .. _install_waptserver_ansible: Installing WAPT Server with Ansible +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To avoid mistakes and automate your WAPT Server deployment, we provide Ansible roles for WAPT Server installation. You can explore the role source code by `visiting Tranquil IT repository on Github `_. Requirements ------------ * Debian Linux or CentOS hosts; * a sudoers user on these hosts; * Ansible 2.8; Installing the Ansible role --------------------------- * install ``tranquilit.waptserver`` Ansible role; .. code-block:: bash ansible-galaxy install tranquilit.waptserver * to install the role elsewhere, use the *-p* subcommand like this; .. code-block:: bash ansible-galaxy install tranquilit.waptserver -p /path/to/role/directory/ Using the Ansible role ---------------------- * ensure you have a working ssh key deployed on your hosts, if not you can generate and copy one like below; .. code-block:: bash ssh-keygen -t ed25519 ssh-copy-id -i id_ed25519.pub user@srvwapt.mydomain.lan ssh user@srvwapt.mydomain.lan -i id_ed25519.pub * edit Ansible hosts inventory ( :file:`./hosts` ) and add the Linux hosts; .. code-block:: ini [srvwapt] srvwapt.mydomain.lan ansible_host= * create a playbook with the following content in :file:`./playbooks/wapt.yml`; .. code-block:: yaml - hosts: srvwapt roles: - { role: tranquilit.waptserver } * run your playbook with the following command; .. code-block:: bash ansible-playbook -i ./hosts ./playbooks/wapt.yml -u user --become --become-method=sudo -K |clap| **Congratulations, you have installed your WAPT server on your Linux server!** Role variables -------------- Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see ``defaults/main.yml``): * version of WAPT that will be installed from WAPT Deb/RPM repository; .. code-block:: yaml wapt_version: "1.8" * version of PostgreSQL that will be installed from WAPT Deb/RPM repository; .. code-block:: yaml pgsql_version: "9.6" * version of CentOS used for RPM repository address; .. code-block:: yaml centos_version: "centos7" * ``launch_postconf`` defaults to True, it launches WAPT Server postconfiguration script silently; .. code-block:: yaml launch_postconf: True Example Ansible playbook """""""""""""""""""""""" Here is an example of an Ansible playbook. .. code-block:: yaml - hosts: srvwapt vars_files: - vars/main.yml roles: - tranquilit.waptserver