.. Reminder for header structure: Parts (H1) : #################### with overline Chapters (H2) : ******************** with overline Sections (H3) : ==================== Subsections (H4) : -------------------- Subsubsections (H5) : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Paragraphs (H6) : """""""""""""""""""" .. meta:: :description: Using the WAPT Console advanced features :keywords: WAPT, advanced, features, documentation. .. |enterprise_feature| image:: wapt-resources/icon_wapt_enterprise.png :scale: 3% :alt: WAPT Enterprise feature only .. |ok| image:: wapt-resources/icon-ok.png :scale: 5% :alt: feature available .. |nok| image:: wapt-resources/icon-nok.png :scale: 5% :alt: feature not available .. _wapt_glpi: ########################################################### Synchronizing WAPT inventories to GLPI |enterprise_feature| ########################################################### Working principle ***************** WAPT Enterprise offers synchronization between the inventories of your hosts and `GLPI `_ :abbr:`ITSM (IT Service Management)` Software. The method automatically synchronizes changes on your IT infrastructure with the GLPI server. .. note:: WAPT can synchronize with GLPI 10 using the native JSON API. WAPT can synchronize with GLPI version 9.x using the **FusionInventory** plugin with XML format. .. attention:: GPLI on WAPT does not work with Kerberos authentification for GLPI. If you use Kerberos for GLPI, exclude :file:`glpi/plugins/fusioninventory/` from the :program:`Nginx` authentification. .. attention:: Installation mode has changed since WAPT 2.2.2. Synchronization now goes throught a WAPT package and is not directly integrated in the WAPT server anymore. The configuration GUI for GLPI in the WAPTConsole has beed removed. Installing the required dependencies for GLPI 9.x ************************************************* In order to receive inventories on the GLPI server, the **FusionInventory** plugin will need to be installed on the GLPI server. This is not required for GLPI 10 which has its own native JSON API. .. note:: You can `follow this guide to install FusionInventory `_. After installing :program:`FusionInventory` on the GLPI server, an **endpoint** needs to be configured on the WAPT Server to send the inventories to the GLPI server: .. code-block:: ini http:/glpi.mydomain.lan/glpi/plugins/fusioninventory/ Configuring WAPTAgent and sync package ************************************** Install and configure the WAPT Agent on the computer that will run the synchronization. The WAPTAgent is installed by default on the WAPTServer, it just need to be configured. To configure the WAPTAgent, please refer to the corresponding documentation. Then you need to install the GLPI sync package: * for GLPI 9.x, you need to install the package `tis-glpi-plugin-export-to-glpi9` * for GLPI 10.x, you need to install the package `tis-glpi-plugin-export-to-glpi10` You need to configure a audit schedule on the agent .. code-block:: ini [global] ... waptaudit_task_period=120m ... Dans le répertoire $WAPT_HOME/private, modifier les fichiers glpi.ini et wapt_api.ini .. code-block:: ini [glpi] username = glpi password = xxxxxxx url = https://glpi.xx.xxxxx.xx/plugins/fusioninventory/ .. code-block:: ini [wapt] username = waptregister password = waptregister2021! url = https://srvwapt.ad.tranquil.it To test the current configuration, you can trigger an audit .. code-block:: bash wapt-get audit tis-glpi-plugin-export-to-glpi9 # or wapt-get audit tis-glpi-plugin-export-to-glpi10 Current items sent by WAPT to the GLPI server ********************************************* .. list-table:: Description of items :header-rows: 1 :stub-columns: 1 :widths: auto :align: center * - Value - Sent - Not sent * - Computer name - |ok| - * - User name - |ok| - * - Description - |ok| - * - OS name - |ok| - * - OS version - |ok| - * - Language - |ok| - * - CPU - |ok| - * - Memory - |ok| - * - Battery - |ok| - * - Chassis type - |ok| - * - Physical or virtual - |ok| - * - Network card configuration - |ok| - * - Printer list and properties - |ok| - * - Installed software [#f1]_ - |ok| - * - Network drives - |ok| - * - Environment variables [#f2]_ - |ok| - * - Display screens references - |ok| - * - Mouse and keyboard references - - |nok| * - Controllers card references (except graphic card) - - |nok| * - Antivirus version - - |nok| * - Firewall state - - |nok| * - Local group list - - |nok| * - Memory bank list and state - - |nok| * - USB ports list and connected devices - - |nok| * - Printer status - - |nok| * - Card readers - - |nok| * - System wide Appx list - - |nok| .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#f1] Not including system wide Appx install .. [#f2] Currently both system and system-wide user environment variables are included. Possible errors in reported inventory on the GLPI server ******************************************************** Inventories uploaded by the WAPT Server to the GLPI server may be incomplete or may have errors when compared to inventories uploaded directly by the FusionInventory agent deployed on hosts. One reason is that WAPT aims to report only the most important values. If you feel that important items are missing or are reported in a wrong way, please report the issue to the Tranquil IT dev team. To report the issue, you will need to send 2 :file:`.xml` files. 1. First, install `the FusionInventory agent `_ on the computer on which you are observing a missing or wrongly reported inventory item. 2. Run the FusionInventory agent and extract the report into a :file:`.xml` file. .. tabs:: .. code-tab:: bash Windows "C:\Program Files\FusionInventory-Agent\fusioninventory-inventory" > %TEMP%\inventory.xml .. code-tab:: bash Linux fusioninventory-inventory > /tmp/inventory.xml .. code-tab:: bash MAC fusioninventory-inventory > /tmp/inventory.xml 1. Set the debug directory in the :ref:`waptserver.ini `. .. code-block:: ini glpi_inventory_debug_directory = /tmp/glpi 4. Restart the WAPT Server 5. Retrieve the :file:`/tmp/glpi/UUID.xml` file from the WAPT Server, the UUID being the identifier of the host. 6. Send the 2 files to the Tranquil IT dev team.