Attention : support for WAPT 2.1 ended on January the 10th 2023.

Please upgrade to the latest supported version

Backing up the WAPT Server

To backup your server follow this procedure. Regular backups are recommended.


  • Stop WAPT related services on the WAPT Server.

    systemctl stop wapttasks
    systemctl stop waptserver
    systemctl stop nginx
  • Backup these directories using a backup tool (ex: rsync, WInSCP, etc..).

    # Debian / Ubuntu
    # Centos / RedHat
  • Backup the PostgreSQL database using the pg_dumpall utility (adapt filename with your requirements).

    sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall > /tmp/backup_wapt.sql
  • Restart WAPT related services on the WAPT Server.

    systemctl start wapttasks
    systemctl start waptserver
    systemctl start nginx


  • Stop WAPT related services on the WAPT Server.

net stop wapttasks
net stop waptserver
net stop waptnginx
  • Backup the WAPT repository folder on a remote backup destination.

  • Backup PostgreSQL Database with pg_dump.exe.

    "C:\wapt\waptserver\pgsql-9.6\bin\pg_dumpall.exe" -U postgres -f C:\backup_wapt.sql
  • Restart WAPT related services on the WAPT Server.

    net start wapttasks
    net start waptserver
    net start waptnginx